Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno witnessed the signing of a
partnership between PINA Indonesia and Liberta Hotel International (LHI). This cooperation is
believed to increase tourism.
"The cooperation between LHI and PINA is expected to bring creative financing that can provide
the impetus for the economy to move faster, open business opportunities, and employment,"
said Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno after witnessing the signing of the MoU Wednesday (5/10)
Sandiaga said the previous Covid-19 pandemic significantly impacted the tourism sector and
the creative economy. Include in the hospitality industry.
But now, along with the Covid-19 pandemic situation that is increasingly being maintained, the
tourism sector and creative economy are also starting to rise. The movement of both domestic
and foreign tourists has increased.
He also considered this the right time for the industry to rise from all challenges during the
pandemic to create a resilient and sustainable business climate.
Moreover, in Bali, the G20 Indonesia Summit will be held soon, attended by more than 50
thousand delegates. Menparekraf Sandiaga invites tourism and creative economy players,
including the hospitality industry, to prepare the best service with typical Indonesian hospitality.
"So this (tourism) will continue to stretch, friends prepare typical Indonesian hospitality.
Hospitality is one of the industries that create the most jobs," said Menparekraf Sandiaga.